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You can check out CourseCake online!

  • Try out our REST or GraphQL endpoint.
  • Take a look at comprehensive documentation here

GraphQL - Beyond REST is another Web API endpoint (it is not RESTful) for queries via GraphQL.

GraphQL is a query language for APIs. It allows for more dynamic, specific queries, helping CourseCake give you the information you need. However, the kind of requests you will have to make are more complex.

You can see our GraphQL Schema documentation and try it out live on our GraphiQL browser.

New to GraphQL? Learn more on their website:


Lets search for all the courses in a university. Note that we specify a limit in each request; the default limit is 50 results per request. This is to prevent API abuse.


You will need the requests library. To install, run on you command line: python -m pip install requests

import requests

# URL to the Search API endpoint
url = ""   

# send request
response = requests.get(url, params=search_params)

# view body of response

# get the courses JSON
courses_json = response.json()



Complex Examples

The below examples show how to create complex, powerful queries to our REST API.

Each case is the same. We search for courses at UCI that are within a department which contains (like) comp or bio. Next, we look for courses that have a title which does not match intro to bad course. Finally, only courses with units that equal 4 are returned.


You will need the requests library. To install, run on you command line: python -m pip install requests

import requests

# URL to the Search API endpoint
url = ""    

# search parameters for the GET request
search_params = {

    # courses which contain "comp" OR "bio"
    "department[like]": "comp,bio",

    # courses with a title that does NOT MATCH "intro to bad course"
    "title[not]": "intro to bad course",

    # courses with units that EQUAL 4
    "units": "4"

# send request
response = requests.get(url, params=search_params)

# get the courses JSON
courses_json = response.json()



Try it out!

Try out our API using Swagger UI here:

REST API Endpoints

🌐 /api/v1

Full documentation

Try it out!

All courses

📚 GET /courses/all/<university>

Returns all courses from a university. university is determined by their

Search Courses

🔍 GET courses/search/<university>

Query our database for courses

Create complex queries

🔬 All parameter names can be followed by [filter]. This allows for powerful queries, allowing us to query Course information for you. The default filter (applied when no filter is specified) is equals.

For example:


Here are all valid filters: like notlike equals not

You can search for multiple values for a parameter by separating them with commas:


Here are the supported search parameters:

Parameter Description
"id" Course id, like DANCE 101
"department" See Department codes on your school's Course Schedule
"title" Readable name, like Intro to Dance

Here's a request that returns all of UCI's in-person classes taught on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday which are not taught by Professor Badprof


Course vs Class

📚 A Course is a unit of teaching that lasts a term.

📝 A Class is an offering of a Course. This means a Class has information for the purpose of enrollment and meaning, such as instructor, meeting times, location, and status (open or closed). A Course has many classes, however each Class belongs to exactly one Course.

Course Schema

📚 This defines a Course as a response from our REST API and GraphQL Web API, the model in database.models, and the class in scrapers.course. s Below is an example:

"course_id": "string",
"title": "string",
"department": "string",
"units": 4,
"prerequisites_str": "string",
"department_title": "string",
"restrictions": "string",
"school": "string",
"provider": "SlugSurvival",
"university_name": "UCI",
"term_id": "FALL-2020-1",
"updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"classes": [ ]

Class Schema

📝 This defines a Class as a response from our REST API and GraphQL Web API, the model in database.models, and the class (renamed CourseClass) in scrapers.course_class.

Looking at our source code, you see names like CourseClass or a_class. This naming prevents collisions with each other and with the python-built in blueprint for objects: class.

Below is an example:

"class_id": "string",
"course_id": "string",
"instructor": "string",
"time": "string",
"location": "string",
"building": "string",
"room": "string",
"status": "string",
"type": "string",
"units": 4,
"max": 0,
"enrolled": 0,
"waitlisted": 0,
"requested": 0,
"provider": "SlugSurvival",
"university_name": "UCI",
"term_id": "FALL-2020-1",
"updated": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
"course": {}

Can't find what you are looking for?

The comprehensive documentation (less readable) can be found here:
