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You can programmatically upload and query courses from the database.

The coursecake.database package uses sqlalchemy to insert, update, and query courses from the local sqlite database.


  • database.crud - Create, Read, Update, and Delete functions are here. The classes for dynamically creating queries (CourseQuery and ClassQuery) are here
  • database.models - The two main models, Course and Class are defined here. All other models are here.
  • database.sql - All connections made to the database are imported from here. Configurations for connections are defined here.
  • database.uploads - Functions to populate the database are defined here. This is the ONLY file that talks to the coursecake.scrapers package.

Upload courses & classes

coursecake.database uses coursecake.scrapers to scrape courses for insertion into the database. All upload functions are in coursecake.database.uploads.

Here's a script that uploads courses.

from coursecake.database import uploads, sql

db = sql.SessionLocal()


Query Courses

Queries to the Course table can be made dynamically from a dictionary using our class CourseQuery from coursecake.database.crud.

from coursecake.database import crud, sql

db = sql.SessionLocal()

query_params = {
    "department[like]": "compsci",
    "title[not]": "intro to bad course",
    "units": "4"
query = crud.CourseQuery(db, university = "uci", args = query_params)
